The Southeastern Sports Officials Association provides officials for sports programs throughout Southeastern North Carolina. We seek individuals who have high character and integrity, a love for the game, and a willingness to work with others. It takes a special person to be able to control their emotions, perform professionally, and maintain order when all around have lost their composure and chaos is abounds.
Officiating requires hours of preparation, study and training. Officials are expected to be perfect every night. We are under appreciated by many who don't understand the commitment required to perform at such high level. However, it is still a very rewarding and fun avocation. Most importantly, we do it for the kids.
Our goal for this website is to aid in training and recruiting as well as retaining the highest quality sports officials for the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Take some time and learn about the Southeastern Sports Officials Association. There are many opportunities available if you are interested in becoming an official! Current SSOA members should use this website as a tool for training and additional rules study. There are multiple resources on our website that will empower you to be a sucessful official. We also hope you will utilize our website to stay informed about important dates and activities within the Southeastern Sports Officials Association.
If you are interested in officiating with us, please visit our "New Officials" page. It contains information to get you started. You may also contact any member of the SSOA Board of Directors or the Regional Supervisor Of Officials for the sport(s) you are interested in officiating.